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LE 70 Level Transmitter

The level measurement is made by reading the position of a submersed rod (float) supported by a spring. The position is read with a magnetic coupling through a SS-316 wall, separating the instrumentation from the process. This design enables operation under extreme process conditions (very high temperatures, pressures and with corrosive fluids).

The standard construction is in AISI-316, with the indicator enclosure in coated aluminium. The design is robust, and simple and provides a reliable measurement of level under harsh process conditions. A local indication with the options of:

  • High and low alarm contacts 
  • Electric output signal of 4-20 mA 
  • Pneumatic output signal of 3-15 psi or 0.2-1 bar

More Information

The LP-80 is used in a broad range of applications, such as: 

  • Chemical and Petrochemical
  • Oil and Gas
  • Steam/Power
  • Food and beverage
  • Storage of toxic products
  • Monitoring and control of common processes

Measurement Principle: According to Archimedes principle of body submerged in a liquid
Operation: A “rod” with a density similar to the measured liquid is suspended by a spring to maintain an equilibrium with its weight.

A variation in liquid level produces a change in the weight of the rod (partially submerged), which can be measured by the extension of the spring that supports the rod. The variation in the length of the spring is transmitted to the indicating needle via a magnetic coupling between a magnet on the end of the spring and a magnet fixed to the indicator.

The rod is always immersed in the liquid (not floating on the surface). This measuring principle is well suited to dirty environments.

LE 70 Level Transmitter




  • Simple construction
  • Top or side mounting options
  • Flanged of threaded connections
  • Measuring range 150mm - 6 metres
  • Switch and/or transmitter options